
OK, BEFORE YOU READ THIS, promise me you’ll hang in there for a minute while I set the stage for this devotional!

“The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time. The total entropy can remain constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state (equilibrium), or is undergoing a reversible process.

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Building 429
Always Only You

You’ve probably heard the old sayings “Home Is Where The Heart Is” or “Home Sweet Home.” I always wondered, what’s the difference between a house and home? I think a “house" is really just a structure and a house is still a house, whether there's someone living there or not. Now a home, that’s different.

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Building 429
I Still Believe

These are just two headlines that came up when I searched the internet for the words “the end of Christianity in America.” I wish I could stand up and say that they are wrong about America becoming a “Post-Christian nation,” but it’s happening right in front of our eyes.

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Building 429
1,000 Promises

Growing up, I remember the power of a promise. It really meant something to me…I’d promise my friend that I’d have his back always…make a promise to do my best in the big game…I’d always promise my grandmother that I’d really listen when she was talking…but when and where did the idea of a promise lose its significance?

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Building 429
Joy Unspeakable

Joy Unspeakable…. what could that look like in our lives? What if I made the decision to focus on the things that brought me true joy and nothing else? Wouldn’t life look different then? 

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Building 429
Shame Doesn't Live Here

Shame is one of the things we seem talk about the least but can have the greatest stronghold on our lives! Why is that? Maybe we need to define it and understand it first before we can defeat it!

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Building 429

You know, I’ve discovered that it’s one thing to plan for a journey, then we start out on our journey, but I think you’ll agree that one of the hardest things to do is to Live the Journey, especially with a true sense of “Assurance” of where we’re going and what it’ll take to get there.

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Building 429

Over the coming weeks, I’d like to share my own personal journey with you. These are real moments and real lessons learned from a real guy wrestling with a very real God. I’ve often tried to work myself out of moments of depression, anxiety, and fear.

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Building 429
You Can

How many times in life have we all desperately wanted to be the one who said that phrase at the perfect moment and been the hero?  I know that I personally have had a savior complex for YEARS. 

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Building 429